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Monday, December 1, 2008

An Alleged Counterrevolutionary Teacher’s Personal Plea

Pooch Dog warns you not to flip by this post.  It is from China Digital Times, about a college professor who was turned in by two students for being counterrevolutionary.  Read the professor's plaintive reply from his blog below.

You must read the following translated comments added to his blog.  Apparently, Chinese - or at least the "advanced" Chinese who added comments, are not as on board with openness and democracy as one would expect and desire!

Here's the article...

In relation to a previous post on CDT, two female students accused their political science professor, Yang Shiqun, of being “counterrevolutionary.” This is in line with a growing trend of bloggers and journalists(recently Chen Daojun), and now teachers (recently Guo Guanglin) being censored for their criticisms. The power of the internet is also in this story as Yang Shiqun posted his story on his blog, generating support for his cause. The Foreign Expert’s Jason Weinberg has translated the original post and comments. Yang Shiqun laments about Chinese student’s nationalism and pride over criticism, and the future of Chinese students:

It needs to be known, if this kind of thing were discovered during the late  Qing dynasty, maybe people would still believe it: and to say that it occured during the republic’s “ May 4th” period, nobody would believe it. You know, young people at that time already basically accepted the concepts “democracy,” “freedom,” “human rights,” so normally we wouldn’t find this kind of strange event. Nonetheless, now, in 21st Century China and in Chinese universities, there can often be found such incredible things. Thinking about the most recent strange events found in Chinese schools, I just have a silent prayer for Chinese society and people: when will Chinese society be able to walk away from ignorance? When will Chinese education be able to get on track? When will Chinese students be able to compare well-balanced ideas?

Here is a continuation of the article, as well as some blog comments added by readers:

作者:oouiojfsd 回复日期:2008-11-25 15:31:12


Your mom’s farts, hehe
“Reject” Professor Yang’s speech? Go to the police and squeal, this is rejecting “speech”
These two idiots, they think they are “getting a conviction because of speech,” think they are using “character law” to get Yang into prison.
There actually are girls this evil, their families are definitely officials.

作者:农村户口小学文化 回复日期:2008-11-25 16:12:17



What’s the relationship between this and cultural revolution?
When you are anti-tradition, you breach ethics and morality.
It disobeys communal values,
So, you cannot argue against it.
Also, what is wrong with people who follow the law?
To say it clearly, contemporary college students’ legal consciousness used to be empty and has increased,
It should be something to praise highly.


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