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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

World Record Freshwater Catch Was 646 Pounds

The world-record fish, caught by net in 2005, was a 646 pound catfish. Can you imagine how many catfish-flavored dog biscuits this would make! Poocher

Thai fishermen netted a catfish as big as a grizzly bear, setting a world record for the largest freshwater fish ever found, according to researchers who studied the 646-pound Mekong giant catfish as part of a project to protect large freshwater fish.

“It’s amazing to think that giants like this still swim in some of the world’s rivers,” project leader Zeb Hogan project leader said in a statement. “We’ve now confirmed now that this catfish is the current record holder, an astonishing find.”

Others have made claims of finding larger sturgeon, but the International Game Fishing Association says the largest sturgeon on record is 468 pounds.


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