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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Japan asked US prepare for nuclear strike on China in 1965

The advantage to growing older... yours truly, Pooch Doggy is 385 years old... is discovering the deep dark secrets of the famous and powerful. For example, we now know that Nixon didn't believe the Vietnam war was winnable. But, did his best to hide behind the "stabbed by the liberal media" cover! Here's another secret from Japan...

Japan asked the United States in 1965 to be ready to attack China with nuclear weapons if the two Asian powers went to war, newly declassified documents said Monday.
Japan, the only nation to have suffered atomic attack, has long campaigned to abolish nuclear weapons -- principles that led former prime minister Eisaku Sato to win the Nobel Peace Prize in 1974.
But the foreign ministry declassified documents showing Sato sought a US nuclear strike on China in the event of a war between the two countries.
According to the diplomatic papers, Sato told then US defence secretary Robert McNamara at a 1965 meeting in Washington: "We expect the United States to retaliate immediately using nuclear weapons" in a war.    Read more...

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