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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Prostitute to Spitzer's wife: 'I'm sorry'

The prostitute at the center of the scandal that brought down former New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer has apologized to his wife. Ashley Alexandra Dupre tells People magazine that the FBI informed her in early March that it was investigating one of her clients. A few days later, she found out which client when she recognized Spitzer on TV -- resigning. That was March 12, after revelations Spitzer had used Emperors Club VIP, where Dupre worked. She says she was stricken by the pained expression on Silda Wall Spitzer's face. "I try not to revisit that place too often, but when I think about his speech, I think of her face, her eyes, the hurt," Dupre said. Her message to Silda Wall Spitzer: "I'm sorry for your pain."

I'm torn by this one.  It was a class act to apologize.  But...

 - Is there a realistic expectation, in this circumstance, for Dupre to apologize?
 - If a prostitute knows a client is married, should they refuse service?

Let's talk this one up.  Leave a comment...

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