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Thursday, November 20, 2008

China Calls on U.S. to Lift Ban

China has requested that the U.S. lift its ban on Chinese-produced milk products, stating that the Chinese government has been successful on cracking down on melamine contamination: 
  • "We feel deep regret that the US insists on unilaterally taking these steps," [Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Qin Gang] told a regular news briefing. 
  • "We hope the US can pay great attention to Chinese concerns, as these steps will have an effect on bilateral trade," he added. 
  • "We hope the US… can lift the ban as soon as possible." 

Meanwhile, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has opened an office in Beijing - the first time an office has been opened outside of the U.S.  This office is intended to ensure the product safety of China-made exports destined for U.S. markets, and will be staffed with FDA food experts and inspectors. 

Let's see...   Last week I blogged about Chinese health inspectors who were beat up by Chinese milk company goons when the inspectors said the consistency of a milk sample didn't look quite right.  And, China wants us to lift our ban?

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