Low-life humanoid types, bow down low before the presence of the great Pooch Doggy Dog!

Friday, November 28, 2008

MoodWatch by Eudora

We all have been misinterpreted online, or misinterpreted.  So, we use emoticons, are aware of the effect of capitalized words, and give context such as "I'm tired.  Don't take me too seriously..."   

Interestingly, Eudora email rates every email message as to inflammatory potential.  The rating software is MoodWatch.  From MoodWatch...

MoodWatch™ is a new language tool that acts as an emotion monitor for your email that flags aggressive language and calls it to your attention. MoodWatch can detect aggressive, demeaning or rude language in the email you send and receive by looking at both individual words and complete phrases. At its core, MoodWatch is a document classification system, which "reads" your email and rates it, allowing you to process your email more efficiently. If you really want to dig into the underlying concepts, read the white paper.

Q: If I don't use nasty words, will MoodWatch still notify me? 
A: MoodWatch looks at both individual words and phrases that are commonly considered offensive, dictatorial, aggressive, insulting and rude. You don't have to write a nasty word to get a chili pepper, but it helps.

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