Low-life humanoid types, bow down low before the presence of the great Pooch Doggy Dog!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Just finished watching Molière.  What a great film!  Great script.  Plenty of romance and suspense.  And a great script with twists and turns.

Here's the Netflix blurb...

Released from prison, French actor-playwright Molière (Romain Duris) learns his freedom was secured by the wealthy but talentless Jourdain (Fabrice Luchini), who wants his help in putting on a play to seduce a comely young widow. Molière agrees but must pose as a priest to hide his benefactor's secret motives from the household females -- including Jourdain's beautiful wife. Laura Morante co-stars in this period comedy set in 17th-century Paris.

And the wikipedia link...

Netflix says Molière was enjoyed by viewers who also enjoyed the followign movies...
  • Avenue Montaigne
  • Copying Beethoven
  • Avatar: The Last Airbender
  • Appleseed: Ex Machina
  • Helvetica
I enjoyed the actress Laura Morante.  She reminded me vaguely of Juliette Binoche.   Here's their Wikis...

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