Low-life humanoid types, bow down low before the presence of the great Pooch Doggy Dog!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Prince Harry Is Normal and Sane. Leave Him Alone Pooch Dog Says!

Videos purportedly shot by Britain's Prince Harry and including offensive language prompted an official apology Saturday from the prince and the royal family. According to the British-based News of the World, which released the videos on its Web site, the videos show British soldiers while a voice presumed to be Harry's calls one solider a "Paki," and in another clip tells soldier wearing a cloth on his head that he looks "like a raghead."

Poocher is so glad he's not Prince Harry. Have you seen the video Prince Harry shot with some of his chums? Think of friends in a dorm room teasing each other and you get the idea. Heck! I've said things to Blacks and Hispanics and Asians and who-knows-what-they-are friends, and they to me, that would make this Prince Harry "flap" seem like milk toast!

Years ago I was the pharmacist in a Veterans Administration hospital, with three Pharmacy technicians helping me. All were named Gary! Two white Garys and one black Gary. What to do? I finally asked the black Gary if I could just call him "Boy"? He started laughing, and said, "Pooch Doggy Dog, if I didn't like you I would have to go off on you!"

Even by typing in this story, I have forever ruined my political aspirations for the future. Alas! It's the world's loss. Until the world gets a sense of humor, and crawls out of the self-righteous ditch, I don't want you either.

Pooch Dogger

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