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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Israel Preps for 'War Crimes' Lawsuits, with Cameras

We already knew that the Israeli Defense Forces are documenting every part of the Gaza operation -- for information warfare and intelligence purposes. But the Jerusalem Post says that there's a second reason for all the video-taping and audio recording: "defend[ing] military commanders against future lawsuits." The group of legal experts reviewing the footage is called, most unfortunately, an "Incrimination Team." (Maybe it sounds better in Hebrew.)
The decision to set up the team was made as part of IDF preparations for a wave of international lawsuits related to Operation Cast Lead, which Attorney-General Menahem Mazuz warned on Sunday would be filed against soldiers following the operation.
"We need to be prepared for the potential lawsuits that will be filed against senior officers," a defense official explained. "The team will review the footage and intelligence information and formulate arguments that can be used to defend against claims that Israel committed war crimes in Gaza."

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