Low-life humanoid types, bow down low before the presence of the great Pooch Doggy Dog!

Monday, January 12, 2009

China! The Greatest Country In The World

BEIJING — The local police stopped parents who were trying to travel secretly from southwest China to Beijing this week to ask the central government for a full investigation into school collapses that killed their children during the May earthquake, several of the parents said Thursday. A leader of the grieving parents, Sang Jun, who lost his 11-year-old son, said in a telephone interview that he had been detained overnight and released only after more than 60 other parents gathered at the gates of the town government building to demand his release.

Get poisoned by melamine in milk, and your parents are told, "Get lost..."
Get killed by shoddy construction, and your parents are told, "Don't talk to me"!

China is a great country, and I think the greatest country in the world! Think how much easier they have it in balancing their budgets, be they national or corporate than in the rest of the world.  May China roll on to the international dominance they deserve!

Oh! Almost forgot Tiananmen Square. They don't have any student unrest in China either. Can I move to your country, China? I'm sure there is a bone in every dog dish.

Pooch Doggy Dog

1 comment:

  1. Hey, every country has its goods and bads. I don't understand why US moved so much of its industries off-shore. Can economy boom when the so much people's job is just to spend or help-spend?


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