Low-life humanoid types, bow down low before the presence of the great Pooch Doggy Dog!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Indiana inmates sneak through ceiling to have sex

BLOOMFIELD, Ind. – Three male and three female inmates at a southern Indiana jail face charges that they devised a way to sneak between cell blocks to help pass their time behind bars by having sex. The inmates figured out how to remove metal ceiling panels in the Greene County Jail and used the passageway more than a dozen times in September and October, according to court documents. The men — ages 44, 38 and 17 — and the women — ages 27, 26 and 21 — crawled through the ceiling after midnight, having sexual encounters and drinking homemade alcohol that was found hidden in the male cell block, a police affidavit said.
One male inmate who was not charged said the female inmates would "hang-out, play cards or have sex with some of the male inmates" in their cell block, the affidavit said. The inmates were able to find a security camera "blind spot" where they could remove ceiling tiles and create a passage between the cell blocks, Sheriff Terry Pierce said Tuesday.
Prosecutors have filed felony escape charges against the six inmates, who were awaiting trial on a variety of charges.

This is an outrage!  

Charging them for devising a way to "kibbutz" with the opposite sex is just wrong.  I say free them, give them a book deal, and have them on Oprah and Dr Phil.

What should "the law" do?

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