Low-life humanoid types, bow down low before the presence of the great Pooch Doggy Dog!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Veterans Health Care Costs Increase Proposals

From time to time, the Bush Administration has proposed health care cost savings measures that would have increased out-of-pocket costs for military and retired military personnel. Some ideas floated by Obama would do the same. Read the article here...

I have worked for Veterans Administration since 1980 maintaining the stub out your cigarettes doggy sandboxes in the smokers hall of shame at the back of our hospitals. I have seen waves of...
  • Cut back on non-service connected coverages.
  • Increase non-service connected coverages.
What health care costs do you think our nation should cover for non-service connected veterans?  Someone joins the military, serves his time Stateside and retires.  Years later he's being treated at a VA for a non-service connected condition of high blood pressure.  Should the VA treat him?

Would it make a difference whether he served at a desk job in Iraq?

Of course, if a soldier suffers for a service connected job, we should be liable for his treatment.

I just cannot sort things out!  Help me...

Pooch Doggy Dog

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