Low-life humanoid types, bow down low before the presence of the great Pooch Doggy Dog!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Rare Pink Iguana Eluded Darwin and Others

A pink iguana species living near a volcano on the Galápagos Islands remained hidden from Charles Darwin and others until recently. Darwin had an excuse: "That Darwin might have missed this form is not surprising, because he stayed in the Galápagos only five weeks, and he did not visit Volcan Wolf [volcano], which to our knowledge is the only place on the archipelago where the pink form occurs," said lead researcher Gabriele Gentile of the University Tor Vergata in Rome, Italy. "What is surprising is that several other scientists visited in the last century Volcan Wolf and missed this form."

Heck! Doesn't surprise me. There are life forms in my family that are not yet detected or documented by biologists! Pooch Dog


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