Low-life humanoid types, bow down low before the presence of the great Pooch Doggy Dog!
Monday, November 17, 2008
US Supply Trucks Get Armed Escorts in Pakistan

Blog Archive
- Want Sustainable Fishing? Keep Only Small Fish, An...
- Bio-inspired Wing Design To Revolutionize Aircraft...
- http://www.flickr.com/photos/zn_md/3073612906/
- http://www.flickr.com/photos/32299177@N06/3072246848/
- Saturday Noon: 1910
- 500 workers protest at Chinese toy factory
- Penny-Pitchers: 1912
- Late workers, students get notes blaming NY subway
- Bud and Dick: 1915
- “A nation which makes great distinction between it...
- Chicago couple wait for first kiss at the altar
- After 55 days, contest ends for 2 living in truck
- I'm Still Tortured by What I Saw in Iraq
- No title
- http://www.flickr.com/photos/friends360/3066001129/
- Yannarthus Bertrand Photograph
- Yannarthus Bertrand Photograph
- Yannarthus Bertrand Photograph
- Yannarthus Bertrand Photographs
- The Evolutionary Times
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- A Surgeon You Can Swallow
- Exercise And Rest Reduce Cancer Risk
- Big 4 Candy: 1926
- No. 1 Atlantic Ocean: 1910
- Time-Lapse Wonders -- Mother Nature
- After 40 Years, Marine Gets His Medal
- torquoise, ki
- Sisters Waiting Severe Winter
- Crayon Destruction
- http://www.quirkyjessi.com/2008/11/photos-images-p...
- Quirki Jessi Blog
- Women In Film
- Man decorates basement with $10 worth of Sharpie
- Tillich and the Courage to Be: Spinoza
- 2,700-year-old marijuana found in Chinese tomb
- The Empress: 1915
- Splunger: Died November 29, 2007 @ 11:10am
- Splunger: Died November 29, 2007 @ 11:10am
- Transparence Lost
- Seraphina Says Get That Damn Pooch Doggy Dog Off T...
- Pooch Dog "Apology"
- Having Fun!
- The Modern Way to Shop: 1950
- Red, White and Blue: 1956
- Albers boys
- Beijing takes first step to end betting ban
- Dancing Scientists Invade YouTube
- The Real Mount Rushmore!
- Pooch Doggy Dog Apologizes to the World
- MoodWatch by Eudora
- Trivia For The Day - November 28, 2008
- China executes man for ant-breeding scheme
- Are hand gels replacing soap and water?
- U.S. family rescued after 40 hours in Taj hotel rooms
- Ol Prairie Pooch Doggy Dog is happy!My belly is fu...
- Dutch ban on "magic" mushrooms to take effect
- French say they need biggest condoms
- 100-meter Sprint World Record Could Go As Low As 9...
- Russia Unveils 'Abrams Killer' Rocket
- China's first homegrown jet makes trial flight
- In China, Speech and Silence Both Come With Price ...
- Europe court says no to turban on Sikh’s driving l...
- Mae West... Always Fresh!
- Bacterial Biofilms As Fossil Makers
- World Trade Center Building 7 Collapse Investigation
- Surgeons Perform World's First Pediatric Robotic B...
- Dine-and-dash gang nabbed via Facebook
- Iraq Has Its Own Battle of the Bulge
- Daily Quiz - November 27, 2008
- Here they are -- the Top 10 Political Turkeys of 2008
- U.S. cops recover Hitler bookmark stolen in Spain
- Judge allows civil suit over co-worker's perfume
- Vis-O-Matic: 1950
- In Sickness And Health: Caring For Ailing Spouse M...
- Computers Determine When To Stop Searches For Miss...
- Marilyn Monroe
- Marilyn Monroe
- Merry Christmas To Jews Everywhere
- A Plan For Hard Times: Print Cash
- Prairie Pooch Howls at the Genetic Moon
- Western Canadian meteor had mass of 10 tonnes
- Drugs Reveal Another Possible Cause of Aging
- Alesandra
- http://www.flickr.com/photos/la_louve/3061491046/
- photograph found in a thrift store
- Missing Radioactivity In Ice Cores Bodes Ill For P...
- Archeology Of Homelessness
- Synthetic Sea Worm Glue May Mend Shattered Knee, F...
- Sperm Tail Length Not Everything
- Pentagon Shoots $22 Million into Guided Bullet Tech
- Nat'l Guard Gets Spying, 'Flying Beer Keg' for Iraq
- Workers Riot in South China over Job Losses
- Miss Tibet, a Pageant Loaded With Controversy and ...
- Astronomers find hints of water on Saturn moon
- Hamlet’s skullduggery
- Indian Moon Orbiter Overheats
- Apple iPhone is ... NOT ... So Fast
- GM Covered With Giant Tarp Until It Has Money To W...