Low-life humanoid types, bow down low before the presence of the great Pooch Doggy Dog!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Google Gets Punk'd

Imagine you want a new car but you can only unlock the gasoline tank at Texaco stations. You really like this car so you agree. Want a nicer stereo system? No problem, the car company will gladly install it for you. But don't even think about trying to install it yourself, not allowed; you'll void the warranty. Battery goes bad? Just send it in for a week or two and they'll take care of you. But it's a beautiful car; so beautiful you ignore it the first 10-15 times it dies while you're cruising on the highway.

Would you sign up for this deal? Millions all over the planet have done just that in recent years, only not for their cars. The iPhone just became the #1 selling handset in the history of the United States (passing the equally amazing Razr.) You can have an iPhone in the States so long as you only use AT&T, agree to use them only for two years, and only buy applications from their store. No user-replaceable batteries and the browser crashes constantly.

And what about this App store? While it has recently loosened somewhat, developers wishing to sell an App must agree to little or no communication with other developers and could not share reasons their Apps were rejected. Now Google has been victimized by Apple. You'd think Apple and Google are big opponents, especially since Google released Android. But to date they've actually had a good working relationship and Google even agreed to release its new Voice Command App on iTunes first rather than Android. But Google's the latest developer to be put on hold with no explanation as to why.

Full Story Here.

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