Low-life humanoid types, bow down low before the presence of the great Pooch Doggy Dog!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Former Enemy to return Ex-POW's Photos

A former Imperial Japanese Army soldier who was stationed on Luzon Island in the Philippines during World War II is trying to track down the owner of a photo album he found at a camp housing U.S. prisoners of war. The soldier was based on Bataan Peninsula, the site of the infamous Bataan Death March of April 1942, in which the Imperial Japanese Army forced many U.S. and Filipino prisoners of war to walk 60 miles in scorching heat to prison camps, causing the deaths of many prisoners along the way. Tokio Watanabe, who is now 91 and lives in Oshinomura, Yamanashi Prefecture, said he returned to Japan in 1942 with the album he took from a prison camp in Bataan. In the album, the names of seven people had been written, including the surname Milliken. This year, the names were found in a record stored at the Bataan Memorial Military Museum in Santa Fe, N.M. An acquaintance of Watanabe will soon travel to the United States to try to track down the Soldiers listed in the album.

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